Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week 2 Recap

Goal: To meditate for 5 minutes a day, and to not smoke and not drink on weekdays

Grade: F-

I did horrible this week. I visited my sister for a few days and played with my twin nephews for hours and hours. It was awesome, but I kinda ditched my goals this week.

On the plus side, I was running around and chasing after 2 toddlers, so it was a lot of exercising! And I didn't smoke a lot or drink a lot either, just a beer or two. So I guess that wasn't so bad.

But I don't know what my problem is with meditating; I know the benefits of it and I know it's good for me. I just don't try hard enough.  I don't set aside 5 friggin minutes for me to just pause and breathe. 

For week 3:

Goal: Continue previous week goals, work out 4 times this week.

Weight: 222.5

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